No matter your background, or your resources, the GCA can benefit your company!

Membership Fees

The annual dues for GCA can be found below. Our membership term is for a calendar year, ending on December 31st.

Dues paid to the Greeting Card Association GCA) are not deductible as a charitable contribution because GCA is a 501(c)6 organization. Additionally, dues paid to GCA are not fully deductible as a business expense due to its lobbying efforts. For the 2025 calendar year, 20% of your annual dues paid are not deductible as a business expense.   

Annual Fees for Regular Members

*Based on annual greeting card/stationery sales (from previous year)

Annual Sales Annual Fee
More than $250 million $80,750
$100 million to $250 million $26,750
$50 million to $99,999,999 $20,750
$15 million to $49,999,999 $11,950
$5 million to $14,999,99 $8,950
$2 million to $4,999,999 $3,850
$1 million to $1,999,999 $1,925
$500,000 to $999,999 $925
$300,000 to $499,999 $595
Less than $300,000 $435


Annual Fees for Associate Members

*Based on annual sales (from previous year)

Annual Sales  Annual Fee
Over $20 million $3,995
$15 million to $20 million $2,795
$5 million to $14,999,999 $1,995
Under $5 million $1,395

Annual Fees for Subsidiary & International Members

Annual Fees  Annual Fee
Subsidiary Member $5,520
International Member $435

Annual Fees for Affiliate Members

Annual Fees Annual Fee
Retailer $60
Sales Rep/Rep Group $175
Manufacturer $1395


Dues paid to the Greeting Card Association GCA) are not deductible as a charitable contribution because GCA is a 501(c)6 organization. Additionally, dues paid to GCA are not fully deductible as a business expense due to its lobbying efforts. For the 2025 calendar year, 20% of your annual dues paid are not deductible as a business expense.   

Apart from great people, events and relationships that the GCA has brought into my life, being a GCA member has been good for my business. Those same people, relationships and events that came about because of my involvement have strengthened our company, and our industry.

Carlos LLansó

CEO, Legacy Publishing Group