GCA Code of Conduct
GCA is committed to supporting and promoting diversity and inclusiveness both internally and in our work with members and stakeholders. At GCA events and in our virtual environments, it is our top priority to ensure a safe, healthy, discrimination-free atmosphere that values all individuals of diverse age, ethnicity, race, religion, nationality, sexual orientation, gender, gender identity, gender expression, or any other group identity.
GCA expects that any Member or Participant with whom we work will share and uphold our standards related to inclusivity, safety, and security. This requirement plays a key factor in determining with whom we choose to work, and who may or may not be approved for membership and/or admitted to our events.
GCA and its Members and Participants commit to providing a friendly, safe, supportive, and harassment-free environment for all GCA Members, Participants, and employees, regardless of gender, age, sexual orientation, gender identity, gender expression, disability, physical appearance, body size, race, ethnicity, religion, or other group identity.
GCA does not tolerate harassment of or discrimination against GCA Members, Participants, and employees or other persons involved in GCA events and activities, or at any events and activities in which GCA takes part.
Harassment or discrimination includes offensive verbal or written comments and negative behavior, either in real or virtual space, including those that are related to or are based upon gender, age, sexual orientation, gender identity, gender expression, disability, physical appearance, body size, race, ethnicity, religion, opinion, or other group identity.
Harassment or discrimination also includes display of sexual images in public spaces, deliberate intimidation, stalking, following, harassing photography or recording, sustained disruption of presentations or other events, and unwelcome physical contact or sexual attention. Sexual language and imagery are not appropriate for any Member or Participant venue, including events, talks, workshops, social events, committee activities, email, and social media.
All GCA Members and Participants are expected to observe these rules and behaviors in all GCA venues, including online venues and in-person events where GCA Members and Participants seek to learn, network, and enjoy themselves, free from any type of harassment. By joining, registering, supporting, or attending GCA events, Members or Participants agree to:
- act responsibly,
- respect the rights of others,
- abide by these policies, and
- accept any consequences stemming from their failure to do so.
If a GCA Member or Participant, in either real or virtual space, engages in inappropriate, harassing, abusive, or destructive behavior or language, the GCA Board of Directors will determine and carry out the appropriate course of action, including but not limited to:
- Investigating the report to ascertain the facts, including but not limited to contact
with the complaining party, his or her employer, and the individual accused of
misconduct, - Warning the offender to stop the conduct,
- Suspension or expulsion from membership in accordance with GCA’s Bylaws and Policies with no membership refund,
- Denying offender access to GCA membership, events, and activities based on prior unacceptable behavior, and/or
- Removing or banning the offender from current or future GCA membership, events, and activities.
If you are being harassed, notice that someone else is being harassed, or have any other concerns about an individual’s conduct, please utilize the following incident reporting procedures.
Issue a verbal complaint and follow up by filing a written complaint with the GCA Executive Director or Board President. If you are not comfortable reporting to either of these individuals, report it to a different member of the Board of Directors. The investigation of the complaint will be objective and impartial. If a pre-existing relationship precludes objectivity and impartiality, the complaint will be forwarded to another member of the Board or to an outside third party for investigation.
The Board is the ultimate arbiter of complaints under this Code. After the investigation is completed, the Board will evaluate the concern and take the action it deems appropriate.