GCA’s Card Talk
Issue 50 August, 2019
The GCA has plenty to look forward to in the second half of 2019! The new Workshop and Retreat kicks off in September and is followed almost immediately by the 2nd annual Thinking of You Week! Read about what you can look forward to, plus read the latest member news, industry updates & more in this edition of Card Talk.
Card Talk is a GCA member newsletter, published six times per year, providing members and others with information on the latest trends and issues that might impact the industry and their businesses, as well as meaningful opportunities for information exchange and business development. Content for Card Talk comes from GCA leaders, volunteers, members and staff. Questions regarding the latest issue may be directed to our Communications Manager, Maggie Schultz.
Want to write for Card Talk?
From the President
The first annual Workshop + Retreat, Thinking of You Week, Noted 2020 – there is certainly a lot happening with the GCA over the next year! As we wait to swear in the next president, GCA Executive Director Peter Doherty reflects on the successful 2019 we’ve had so far and what’s on the horizon for the Greeting Card Association.
Member Spotlight
She’s not only the founder and creative voice behind Offensive + Delightful cards, but Olga Krigman is also the designer of the signature Noted logo! Learn more about Olga, her company, and what inspired her to create the Noted logo.
In the News
Member Articles and more
Oceans of Opportunity is around the corner – have you registered to attend yet? Stationery Trends reflects on the successful session (Modern Card Politics: The Women’s Movement) at Noted and the US Postal Service announces the much-anticipated Sesame Street stamps are now available for purchase! Read on for these stories & more member news!
Committee Updates
The GCA’s new Workshop + Retreat is a month away – have you registered yet? Learn what you can look forward to in Naples from the co-chair herself, Susan January. Once the retreat ends, Thinking of You Week begins! Find out how you can still participate!
GCA Events
Meet Us in Naples (Florida) in September for the GCA’s Annual Workshop & Retreat
GCA will be in Florida in just one month. Far from your father’s convention, this is a new event that you don’t want to miss.
Thinking of You Week 2019
Following the Workshop and Retreat, we’ll be thinking of you, and your customers, and retailers this September!