Writing by hand faces as big a threat today from new media and technology as manuscript writers did over 500 years ago when William Caxton introduced printing to England. The world is full of stationery lovers and users, yet some commentators claim that ‘no one writes by hand anymore’, and that letter writing and card sending are in serious decline. World population and literacy levels are rising but so are postage costs, and steeply in the UK, while delivery times and service levels are falling. All this is happening at a time of increasing digital communication.
It is an emotive subject with major implications for many, including schools and teachers, printers, bookbinders and publishers, and retailers and suppliers of greeting cards, writing and paper products. What are the facts? What are the trends, and the threats? What does the future hold? Does being able to write by hand matter anymore?
A panel of industry leaders will share their knowledge and views at this important event which is being organised by The Stationers’ Company, the City of London Livery Company founded in 1403. It will take place at the magnificent 350 year old Stationers’ Hall, close by St. Paul’s Cathedral. It will also be live streamed. It will separate fact from fiction, and provide attendees with valuable insights and pointers to the way ahead.
The event will be chaired by Helen Esmonde, Past Master of the Stationers’ Company who ran her own successful publishing and stationery business for over 30 years, producing stationery for major UK retailers including John Lewis, WHSmith, Paperchase, Waterstones and Liberty.
Speakers include:
The presentation will begin at 2pm EST/7pm London time.
A buffet and drinks reception will be served from 8.30pm with the event ending by 9.30pm.
Tickets cost £10 for those attending online.
View the Event Information Here