Dear GCA Members,
This fall GCA will be joining the Envelope Manufacturers Association (EMA) for their Fall Meeting in Washington, D.C. on October 25-28, 2017. This will be a timely opportunity for GCA members to engage with key decision makers, including senior Members of Congress, Postal Service management and members of the Postal Regulatory Commission. As you may know, legislation to stabilize Postal Service finances is vitally needed to ensure affordable, universal 6-day mail delivery for our customers. Postal bills are slowly working their way through Congress, but given the challenging political climate, this will likely be a critical opportunity to weigh in to support this legislation and get it enacted. All GCA members who care about the future of the mailing industry are welcome to send a representative. No prior experience talking to legislators about Postal issues or involvement on the GCA’s Postal Affairs Committee is needed. The GCA’s Vice President of Postal Affairs Rafe Morrissey will be on-site to help you maximize the impact of your participation. In addition, two conference call opportunities will be scheduled for attendees and a thorough briefing on the issue and guidance for meetings provided. Please see the “Save the Date” announcement for further details and watch for more information on agenda specifics soon. GCA members will receive EMA member pricing for the conference and hotel accommodations. I hope you join me in Washington, D.C. for this important meeting. It will be a great chance to make our voices heard, network with fellow mailing industry colleagues and build new business relationships.
-Carlos LLansó
President, GCA