GCA’s Card Talk
Issue 48 April, 2019
Excitement continues to grow for *Noted: the Greeting Card Expo and other GCA events! Check out the latest news featuring GCA members & other industry updates in this issue of Card Talk.
Card Talk is a GCA member newsletter, published six times per year, providing members and others with information on the latest trends and issues that might impact the industry and their businesses, as well as meaningful opportunities for information exchange and business development. Content for Card Talk comes from GCA leaders, volunteers, members and staff. Questions regarding the latest issue may be directed to our Communications Manager, Maggie Schultz.
Want to write for Card Talk?
From the President
An accomplished leader in our industry, a fervent supporter and champion of our category and a mother of three — Christy Kaprosy is now taking some time off to be solidly in their corner. Our industry, our association and those of us who got to work alongside her are all better for the time we got to spend with her.
Member Spotlight
For this issue, we are pleased to share insights from Universal Presentation Concepts! Read on to learn about the company’s history, how they got involved in the LOUIE Awards, and relive LOUIEs display inspirations! Thanks to UPC for eight years of collaboration with the GCA and the industry’s awards program.
In the News
Member Articles and more
National Stationery Week returns for the eighth time in 2019. Did you know that 18 British designs were selected as finalists for the 2019 LOUIE Awards? The Thinking of you Week design winner is announced! And there’s so much more. Click the link below for more information and News You Can Use!
Committee Updates
*Noted: The Greeting Card Expo
Can it be that the inaugural Noted, in Brooklyn May 18-20, is only a month away? The excitement and anticipation is building! Congrats to our volunteers!
LOUIE Awards
As May approaches, the Greeting Card Association will host the 30th LOUIE Awards celebration! And we’ll be celebrating Brooklyn-style.
GCA Events
Noted: Meet Us at the Brooklyn Expo, May 18-20, 2019
Countdown T-Minus ONE MONTH!
Meet Us in Naples (Florida) in September for the GCA’s annual Workshop & Retreat
It’s not the Annual Convention anymore. Get ready for something new! You won’t want to miss the education, insights, fun and unique activities planned for this event.