GCA’s Card Talk
Issue 44 August, 2018
You won’t want to miss out on this addition of Card Talk! Check this edition out to see an exciting update from our president, our newest GCA member, and updates on our 77th Annual GCA Convention.
Card Talk is a GCA member newsletter, published six times per year, providing members with information on the latest trends and issues that might impact the industry and their businesses, and also offers meaningful opportunities for information exchange and business development. Content for Card Talk comes from GCA leaders, volunteers, members and staff. Questions regarding the latest issue may be directed to our Communications Manager, Naomi Gitlin.

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From the President
As a reminder, the 77th Annual Greeting Card Association Convention is just around the corner, taking place September 26 through September 29 in Cleveland, Ohio. At this year’s Convention, we are excited to have a jam-packed schedule filled with networking events and speakers, including experts in consumer behavior and trends, marketing, and a presentation from the United States Postal Service.
Member News
Welcome New GCA Member
We are pleased to welcome our new member, Crown Point Graphics.

In the News
Member Articles and more
Check out Ross Van Burkleo’s article about how Neenah paper is leading the way for green initiatives. Read about the breaking news, on Astro Paper & Envelopes acquiring JRC Envelopes & Manufacturing. Also, look at new articles about our members and industry news.
Committee Updates
Postal Affairs
This fall will decide the fate of postal reform, if not the Postal Service itself.
Associates Committee
GCA will be offering three excellent opportunities for Associate member companies during this year’s Annual Convention in Cleveland held September 26-29 at the Metropolitan at the 9.
Communications and PR Committee
“Thinking of You Week” will debut in the USA next month from September 24 – 30.
Annual Convention Committee
The GCA’s 77th Annual Convention, “Opportunity Rocks,” is full of opportunities.

GCA Events
GCA Happy Hour, Atlanta – July 12 Thanks to the more than 20 GCA members and non-members who joined us for our Atlanta Happy Hour
The GCA is Going to Cleveland- September 26-29 Join us September 26 – 29, when we will learn, connect, get a behind the scenes tour at American Greetings’ new HQ – and have some rockin’ fun.
Thinking of You Week- September 24-30 This campaign encourages Moms, Dads, friends, sister, brothers, grandmothers, grandfathers, uncles, aunts, teachers, firemen, nurses, bankers, students, …….in other words, EVERYONE, to send a greeting card or note every day for a week.