GCA’s Card Talk
Issue 45 November, 2018
Don’t miss this edition of Card Talk to learn more about the new GCA community event next May, an Annual Convention recap, and LOUIE Awards news.
Card Talk is a GCA member newsletter, published six times per year, providing members and others with information on the latest trends and issues that might impact the industry and their businesses, as well as meaningful opportunities for information exchange and business development. Content for Card Talk comes from GCA leaders, volunteers, members and staff. Questions regarding the latest issue may be directed to our Communications Manager, Naomi Gitlin.

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From the President
I was so excited to see so many of you at this year’s 77th Annual Greeting Card Association Convention in Cleveland. I had the pleasure of catching up with old colleagues, meeting new members, and experiencing the passion and enthusiasm we all have for our products.
Member News
More than 40 companies have joined the GCA Community since January. And more new members are joining us late in 2018. Our community is growing!

In the News
Member Articles and more
Check out these articles about and by members. The GCA’s brand new trade show also figures prominently in the news this month. And there is much more.
Committee Updates
LOUIE Awards
Was the first-ever LOUIEs “Bash” really six months ago? Time flies! Join the LOUIE Awards Committee for 2019, as they prepare for the big reveal in May and celebrate 30 years of awards to the greeting card community.
Postal Affairs
While the GCA always has worked to foster positive relations with Postal Service management, under the leadership of Postmaster General Megan Brennan, we have experienced an enormously positive and productive working relationship with the USPS marketing team.
Annual Convention Committee
Wow. Opportunities sure rocked in Cleveland during the GCA’s 77th Annual Convention (“Opportunity Rocks”).

GCA Events
Early Bird Deadline for LOUIE Entries is November 16th
Visit the LOUIE Awards submission site to begin preparing your entries now.
November 20: GCA Happy Hour in Cincinnati
The recent GCA Happy Hours program is starting up again! And this time, it will be held in the Midwest. Meet us at 3 Points Urban Brewery, 331 East 13th Street!
November/December: U.S Postal Service Holiday Campaign
Check out @KatieRyanAva to see how the USPS is working with this influencer.