August 2018
Dear GCA Member:
As a reminder, the 77th Annual Greeting Card Association Convention is just around the corner, taking place September 26 through September 29 in Cleveland, Ohio. At this year’s Convention, we are excited to have a jam-packed schedule filled with networking events and speakers, including experts in consumer behavior and trends, marketing, and a presentation from the United States Postal Service.
Two of this year’s convention speakers are Erin Swenson Gorrall, SVP, Director of Communications Planning at MullenLowe Mediahub and Victoria Venturi, Founder, Paper Epiphanies. Erin will host a discussion to help attendees understand how to establish true connections with consumers in an era of hyper connectivity. Victoria will explain how she was able to create a unique card line with a distinctive voice by relying upon her own personal life experiences. Authenticity is the key to establishing meaningful connections with consumers, and these two women will provide invaluable insight. To hear from these amazing business leaders and the rest of our dynamic group of speakers, I encourage you to visit and register now!
And in case you were not aware, the Executive Committee has been working hard to present members with an alternative to the National Stationery Show / New York Now show in February 2019. Our efforts are aimed at keeping the show in the April/May time frame to align with exhibitor and buyer schedules, while maintaining other GCA-related events such as the LOUIEs on a similar schedule to past years. We were pleased to announce the formation of this new show just a few days ago. Stay tuned for more information about the changes in the show venue and timing, and be sure to visit the website often as new information is revealed.
Wishing you all the best,
Christy Kaprosy