Dear GCA Member:
As our 75th anniversary year draws to a close, I wanted to take a quick look back – and a look ahead — at what’s in store for next year.
In my last column, I highlighted the 75th Annual Convention, our new website, a great LOUIE Awards season and our first industry survey with Stationery Trends.
Looking ahead, the GCA is ending this year – and beginning our 76th — with a healthy financial foundation. I want to thank members of the Executive Committee and GCA’s Executive Director Peter Doherty (and team) for their work to deliver value to members – through educational and networking events.
In 2017, we will revamp our Mentorship Program, a unique opportunity for members new to the industry as well as industry veterans. Often our mentors gain as much from the experience and knowledge exchange as our mentees – and we want to ensure that younger publishers have the opportunity to learn from more established publishers.
If you’re not already involved in Committee work, I encourage you to contact Peter Doherty to discuss available opportunities. Currently, our Committees include: Communications and PR, Convention, LOUIE Awards, Membership and Postal Affairs. Being a Committee member gives you an opportunity to help shape programming and meet and work closely with other members.
And we’re encouraging any member to submit articles for Card Talk. With the last issue, we introduced a new look and some new features. We hope you’ll consider Card Talk as another platform for sharing ideas and issues.
For our Associate members, we will expand opportunities for you to “get in front of” publisher members at our Atlanta Networking Reception and through the Associates Resource Guide (which will be distributed to all members soon), and of course at next year’s Convention in San Diego.
On behalf of the Executive Committee, Board of Directors and GCA staff, thank you for your membership. All of us wish you and your loved ones a happy, healthy holiday season and new year!