Annual Convention Committee
What is creative change – and how can people who hate to network – network? We asked two experts on these topics: Jennifer Mueller, Ph.D., professor, University of San Diego School of Business and author of “Creative Change,” and Devora Zack, president, Only Connect Consulting, Inc. and author of “Networking for People Who Hate Networking,” “Managing for People Who Hate Managing” and “Singletasking.” You can learn more from Dr. Mueller about creative change and insights on networking and managing from Jennifer Mueller when they speak at the Greeting Card Association’s Annual Convention, October 11-14 in San Diego.
Card Talk: What is creative change?
Mueller: Creative change is a psychological process people undergo when they embrace new and productive definitions that often seem opposite to the old. We can undergo creative change about how we define ourselves, a group of people, a product or a process.
Card Talk: Why do so many people hate networking?
Zack: Many people misunderstand networking. Meaningful networking is not shameless self-promotion. Real networking is about connecting, not collecting. Think about networking as communicating. Build a network by understanding your natural personality. Are you an introvert? An extrovert? Introverts tend to “think to talk” while extroverts tend to “talk to think.” You don’t need to be an extrovert to be a great networker – just accept, understand and leverage your natural personality.