We have been listening, reflecting and learning and… our industry is not racially diverse. Now it is time for some action. The Noted Community and the GCA are ready to take the first step in making a change. On July 16th at 2PM EST, we will hold a Noted Pitch Program for Black-Owned Companies/Black Makers.
The GCA’s unique Noted Pitch Program offers makers the chance to “pitch” their greeting card line to a panel of the top retailers, sales reps and or international distributors in the industry, plus a large group of retailers online. Each selected maker will have 5 minutes to present their line to the panel, leaving time at the end for questions/comment if desired. The five minute limit is strictly enforced and will go fast but being organized and concise, past Pitchers have made great connections and sales.
This event’s pitch panel will feature Vanessa Raptopoulos – Awesome Brooklyn, Chandra Greer – Greer Chicago, Kristina Burkey – Calliope Paperie, and Kyle Williams – Paper Source.
Retailers and sales reps across the country are invited to attend and learn about these great Black makers and start to diversify your collection. The event will be just $10 and open to retailers only. A portion of the entry fee, $5 of each ticket, will go to a scholarship for a maker of color to Noted 2021.
Additionally, Faire will be creating a landing page for all makers on their site and have offered to streamline the onboarding process to allow the makers and retailers all of the benefits Faire has to offer.
Black Owned Companies/Black Maker can submit their application to be one of the nine selected to pitch here. You will have to answer a few highly questions about your company and samples of your line and nine companies will be randomly selected to participate in the pitch. Apply Here.
The typical $250 fee to enter the pitch program has been covered by our event’s sponsors. We thank them for their support!
Makers in the community: If you would like to support the event help our community become more diverse, you can make a donation to the scholarship. Just contact the GCA staff for more information. Sorry you can’t join us, but those are the Pitch Program rules, we want all makers to feel comfortable sharing everything that makes their line special.