Collette Eccleston, PhD, from Lieberman Research Worldwide, a recent presenter at the 2018 GCA Annual Convention, shines some light and shares how we can learn a thing or two about leadership from brain science.
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Keep in mind these ideas as you seek to drive change in your organization:
- Expectations shape perceptions. It’s hard to see something that we’re not looking for. We can have blinders for big AND small things.
- Do not be blind to other methods or to other opinions. That might make us uncomfortable – but that’s OK.
- Brain science tells us that we think we are better than we actually are – and that’s because our brains are wired to confirm bias. Put another way, it’s easier to go with the flow than to swim upstream.
- What does this mean? Try looking at yourself in the mirror. Gather perspectives from others. Use this bias to drive change in others.
- Break down internal and external silos as well as any “us vs. them” boundaries. Be mindful of the language you use. Get together with colleagues and talk – no texts, emails or mobile phones – just old-fashioned, face-to- face conversations.